i-Fit4Life Anti Aging Rejuvenation Cycle


Items included: 4 x RP Somatropin 110iu kits, 4 x Testosterone Enanthate 300 mg/ml


Weeks 1-31: 2iu  HGH per day before bed
Weeks 1-31: 1cc = 300mg Testosterone

This is a cycle for an older male who has begun to feel the effects of aging such as low energy, low sex drive, and decreased strength and motivation during workouts and other physical activity. The HGH will cause ones skin to tighten, sleep quality to increase, energy levels to increase and a reduction in body fat. The 300mg of testosterone is meant to replace declining natural levels. Testosterone is the essential male hormone and increasing levels will result in higher energy levels, increased muscle mass and strength, more endurance during workouts and physical activity, increased sex drive, decreased body fat, and an overall better sense of well being. Users of this stack will notice what seems like a reverse in the aging process and better quality of life. Users are encouraged to maintain a healthy exercise and diet program in order to get the full benefits of running these items.



Items included: 4 x RP Somatropin 110iu kits, 4 x Testosterone Enanthate 300 mg/ml


Weeks 1-31: 2iu  HGH per day before bed
Weeks 1-31: 1cc = 300mg Testosterone

This is a cycle for an older male who has begun to feel the effects of aging such as low energy, low sex drive, and decreased strength and motivation during workouts and other physical activity. The HGH will cause ones skin to tighten, sleep quality to increase, energy levels to increase and a reduction in body fat. The 300mg of testosterone is meant to replace declining natural levels. Testosterone is the essential male hormone and increasing levels will result in higher energy levels, increased muscle mass and strength, more endurance during workouts and physical activity, increased sex drive, decreased body fat, and an overall better sense of well being. Users of this stack will notice what seems like a reverse in the aging process and better quality of life. Users are encouraged to maintain a healthy exercise and diet program in order to get the full benefits of running these items. After cycle is finished, you might continue with 150mg Testosterone per week and 2iu of HGH everyday for as long as you wants.


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